Basic PenTest Tools That You Need

As a professional ethical hacker, it is important to have a variety of Pentest tools at your disposal to help you identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

What are Pentesting tools (PenTest Tools)?

Pentesting, or penetration testing, is the practice of simulating a cyber attack on a computer system, network, or web application to identify vulnerabilities and assess the system’s defenses. Pentesters, or professional ethical hackers, use a variety of tools to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

In this blog section, we will be exploring the different types of pentest tools that are available and how they can be used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. We will cover a range of tools, including port scanners, vulnerability scanners, password cracking tools, network sniffers, packet injectors, debuggers, and exploit frameworks.

By understanding the different types of pentest tools that are available, you can gain a better understanding of how to test the security of your own systems and networks. We hope that this blog section will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in pentesting and cybersecurity.

Some common tools used by pentesters include:

Disclaimer for these Pentest Tools:

It’s important to note that the use of these tools is generally only legal when used as part of a authorized and authorized security testing engagement. Using these tools without proper authorization could be considered illegal hacking.

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Port Scanners

Port scanners are an important tool for pentesters as they allow them to quickly and accurately identify open ports and running services on a target system or network. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors, and to plan and execute successful penetration tests.

There are many different port scanners available, and the specific tool used will depend on the needs and preferences of the pentester. Some examples of port scanners include:

  • Nmap: An open-source tool that can be used to scan networks for open ports and determine what services are running on them. It can also be used to scan for vulnerabilities and perform a variety of other tasks.
  • Masscan: A fast port scanner that can scan a large number of IP addresses and ports in a short amount of time. It is often used to quickly identify a target’s open ports and running services.
  • Zenmap: A graphical user interface (GUI) for the Nmap port scanner, making it easier to use for users who are not comfortable with command-line interfaces.
  • SuperScan: A Windows-based port scanner that can be used to scan a single host or a range of IP addresses for open ports. It also includes features for pinging hosts and performing traceroutes.
News Official World, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Vulnerability Scanners

Vulnerability scanners: These tools can scan a system or network for known vulnerabilities and report on any that are found.

These pentest tools can be used to identify weaknesses in a system’s defenses and help organizations prioritize their efforts to fix them.

The specific pentest tools used will depend on the needs and preferences of the user/organization. Some examples of vulnerability scanner pentest tools include:

  • Nessus: A popular commercial vulnerability scanner that can scan networks, operating systems, and applications for a wide range of vulnerabilities. It is widely used by pentesters and security professionals.
  • Qualys: Another commercial vulnerability scanner that offers both cloud-based and on-premises scanning options. It can scan a wide range of assets, including networks, operating systems, and applications, and is widely used in the security industry.
  • OpenVAS: An open-source vulnerability scanner that can scan a variety of assets, including networks, operating systems, and applications. It includes a large database of known vulnerabilities and is regularly updated with new ones.
  • Core Impact: A commercial vulnerability scanner that offers a wide range of features, including the ability to test for vulnerabilities in custom applications and to simulate real-world attacks. It is often used by large organizations and government agencies.
  • Nikto: Nikto is an open-source web server scanner that can be used to identify vulnerabilities in web servers. It can be used to scan web servers for known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potentially dangerous files and programs. Nikto is one of the prime pentest tools.
PenTest Tools
Nikolai Shepelev, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Password Cracking tools

Password cracking tools are tools that can be used to attempt to guess or “crack” passwords in order to gain unauthorized access to systems or accounts. These tools can be used by pentesters to test the strength of passwords and identify weaknesses in an organization’s password policies.

There are many different password cracking tools available, and the specific pentest tools used will depend on the needs and preferences of the user. Some examples of password cracking tools include:

  • Hashcat: An open-source password cracking tool that can be used to crack a variety of password hashes, including those for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It supports a wide range of algorithms and can be run on a variety of hardware platforms.
  • John the Ripper: Another open-source password cracking tool that can be used to crack a variety of password hashes. It includes a number of built-in password cracking modes and can be run on a variety of platforms.
  • Aircrack-ng: An open-source suite of tools for wireless network security that includes a password cracking tool. It can be used to crack WPA and WPA2 passwords for wireless networks. Of the benefit of this aircrack-ng pentest tools is you can enable monitor mode and set the wifi adapter to listen on specified channels and crack the captured handshakes on the wifi network.
  • oclHashcat: A password cracking tool that uses the power of graphics processing units (GPUs) to speed up the cracking process. It can be used to crack a variety of password hashes and supports a wide range of algorithms.

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Network sniffers

Network sniffers are tools that can capture and analyze network traffic, allowing you to see what is happening on a network in real-time. These pentest tools can be used by pentesters to identify vulnerabilities in a network and to troubleshoot issues.

There are many different network sniffers available, and the specific tool used will depend on the needs and preferences of the user. Some examples of network sniffers include:

  • Wireshark: An open-source network sniffer that can be used to capture and analyze network traffic. It supports a wide range of protocols and includes a graphical user interface (GUI) for ease of use. If you are beginner and want to learn more about the network you definitely need to have Wireshark as primary pentest tools.
  • tcpdump: A command-line network sniffer that can be used to capture and display network traffic. It is often used by network administrators to troubleshoot issues and identify network problems.
  • Netwox: A suite of network tools that includes a network sniffer. It can be used to capture and analyze network traffic and includes a number of built-in packet crafting tools.
  • EtherApe: A graphical network sniffer that can be used to visualize network traffic. It includes support for a wide range of protocols and can be used to identify trends and patterns in network traffic.

Packet Injectors

Packet injectors are tools that can be used to create and inject custom packets into a network in order to test its defenses or manipulate its behavior. These tools can be used by pentesters to identify vulnerabilities in a network and to simulate real-world attacks.

There are many different packet injectors available, and the specific tool used will depend on the needs and preferences of the user. Some examples of packet injectors include:

  • Hping: A command-line packet injector that can be used to create and inject custom packets into a network. It supports a wide range of protocols and includes a number of built-in packet crafting options.
  • Scapy: A Python-based packet injector that can be used to create and inject custom packets into a network. It includes a number of built-in packet crafting options and can be extended through Python scripts.
  • Nping: An open-source packet injector that can be used to create and inject custom packets into a network. It includes a number of built-in packet crafting options and can be run on a variety of platforms.
  • Colasoft Packet Builder: A commercial packet injector that can be used to create and inject custom packets into a network. It includes a number of built-in packet crafting options and can be used to test network devices and applications.


Debuggers are tools that can be used to analyze and debug software in order to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. These tools can be used by pentesters to reverse engineer software and identify vulnerabilities that may not be immediately apparent.

There are many different debuggers available, and the specific tool used will depend on the needs and preferences of the user. Some examples of debuggers used by pentesters include:

  • GDB: The GNU Debugger is an open-source debugger that can be used to debug a wide range of software and programs. It is often used to reverse engineer software and identify vulnerabilities.
  • OllyDbg: A popular debugger that is often used by pentesters to reverse engineer software and identify vulnerabilities. It includes a number of built-in features for analyzing and debugging software and can be run on Windows systems.
  • WinDbg: A debugger that is included with the Windows operating system and is often used by pentesters to reverse engineer software and identify vulnerabilities. It includes a number of built-in features for analyzing and debugging software and can be used to debug a wide range of programs and applications.
  • IDA Pro: A commercial debugger that is widely used by pentesters and security professionals to reverse engineer software and identify vulnerabilities. It includes a number of advanced features for analyzing and debugging software and is widely considered the industry standard for reverse engineering.

Exploit frameworks

Exploit frameworks are tools that provide a framework for creating and using exploits, making it easier to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. These tools can be used by pentesters to automate the exploitation process and to quickly identify and exploit vulnerabilities in a system or network.

In Pentest tools sub-categorical of Exploit framework some of the tools used are:

  • Metasploit: A widely-used open-source exploit framework that includes a number of built-in exploits and tools for creating custom exploits. It is often used by pentesters to automate the exploitation process and to quickly identify and exploit vulnerabilities.
  • CANVAS: A commercial exploit framework that includes a number of built-in exploits and tools for creating custom exploits. It is often used by pentesters to automate the exploitation process and to quickly identify and exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Core Impact: A commercial exploit framework that includes a number of built-in exploits and tools for creating custom exploits. It is often used by pentesters to automate the exploitation process and to quickly identify and exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Exploit-DB: An open-source database of exploits that can be used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. It is often used by pentesters to quickly find and test exploits for a wide range of vulnerabilities.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this extensive list of pentest tools! As a professional ethical hacker, it is essential to have a variety of tools at your disposal to help you identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

We hope that this list has been helpful to you, and that you have gained a better understanding of the types of pentest tools that are available to pentesters. Remember, these tools are only to be used as part of a authorized and authorized security testing engagement. Using these tools without proper authorization could be considered illegal hacking.

If you found this list to be helpful and would like to stay up-to-date on the latest pentest tools and techniques, we encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter using the form below. Our newsletter will keep you informed of the latest developments in the field of cybersecurity and help you stay on top of your game.

Thank you for your interest in pentesting and for your commitment to improving the security of systems and networks. We look forward to staying connected and helping you stay informed about the latest tools and techniques in the field.

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